Buy a car transporter? To buy your car transporter, search our online offer Transport your vehicles easily with our car transporters. Our car transporters are specially designed for transporting cars, so they are equipped with all the necessary features to do this as efficiently as possible. For example, they have strong and safe attachment points for the car, so that it does not shift during transport. Our car transporters are also very user-friendly and easy to load and unload. But that's not all. At Van Dijk Vans we have a wide range of car transporters, so that you will always find a transporter that suits your needs. Whether you have a small or large car, we have the right car transporter for you. And because we only work with renowned brands, you can rest assured that our car transporters are of top quality. In short, with our car transporters you can transport your car easily and safely, without stress. At Van Dijk Vans you can choose from a wide range of top quality car transporters, so that you always make the right choice for your needs. Buy your ideal car transporter now and transport vehicles wherever you want! Lees meer Search our offer (0) Brand Clear filter All Model Clear filter All Price Clear filter Van€ 1.000,- (0)€ 2.000,- (0)€ 4.000,- (0)€ 6.000,- (0)€ 8.000,- (0)€ 10.000,- (0)€ 20.000,- (0)€ 30.000,- (0)€ 40.000,- (0)€ 50.000,- (0)€ 60.000,- (0)Tot€ 1.000,- (0)€ 2.000,- (0)€ 4.000,- (0)€ 6.000,- (0)€ 8.000,- (0)€ 10.000,- (0)€ 20.000,- (0)€ 30.000,- (0)€ 40.000,- (0)€ 50.000,- (0)€ 60.000,- (0) Mileage Clear filter Van5000 (0)10000 (0)20000 (0)40000 (0)60000 (0)80000 (0)100000 (0)150000 (0)200000 (0)250000 (0)300000 (0)350000 (0)400000 (0)450000 (0)500000 (0)550000 (0)Tot5000 (0)10000 (0)20000 (0)40000 (0)60000 (0)80000 (0)100000 (0)150000 (0)200000 (0)250000 (0)300000 (0)350000 (0)400000 (0)450000 (0)500000 (0)550000 (0) Fuel Clear filter All Transmission Clear filter All Color Clear filter All Body Clear filter AllPersonenauto (4)Bestelauto (3)Gesloten bestelbus (14)Enkele cabine (13)Dubbele cabine (2)Bakwagen (1)Open laadbak (1)Autotransporter (0) Year Clear filter Van2010 (0)2015 (0)2017 (0)2018 (0)2019 (0)2020 (0)2021 (0)2022 (0)Tot2010 (0)2015 (0)2017 (0)2018 (0)2019 (0)2020 (0)2021 (0)2022 (0) Power Clear filter VanTot Seats Clear filter Van1 (0)2 (0)3 (0)4 (0)5 (0)6 (0)7 (0)8 (0)9 (0)Tot1 (0)2 (0)3 (0)4 (0)5 (0)6 (0)7 (0)8 (0)9 (0) Search